Our new unit in Math is on patterns. Making, finishing, copying and talking about patterns.... color patterns, shape patterns, number patterns, any kind of patterns we can think of! We started making
AB patterns using linking cubes. We also made up patterns using our bodies: clap, stomp, snap, etc. We will continue with our
Patterns unit until the end of November.
We will add AABB, AABAAB, ABBABB, and ABC patterns to our repertoire. Talk to your child about patterns you see in the environment!

Todd works on matching patterns in the duck folder game.

Laila completes a pattern of hanging clothes in a folder game.

Abby is practicing writing her letters...great writing, Abby! That's a kind of pattern, right?

We also have been matching numerals.

AB pattern, Grayson. Red-orange-red-orange....

"Look at my
AB pattern," says Yasmin.
Joseph loves making patterns with his favorite color. brown.